Last time, I described a situation where a white supremacist in SPD targeted me with violence and city council said they would follow up with OPA about my story. I hope that happened. I want to see this council stay true to its word and divest from SPD by %50 or more.
I did not get to finish my story. After that incident, the same night I was targeted again. Taking cover and hearing a potentially friendly shooter on my side yell F the Police.
Most recently, on Saturday I was assaulted by a security guard for filming after they interjected themselves in the celebration. Identifying himself as “Killer” and putting his hand on my throat while saying “I will kill you”. I have video and a mark on my neck.
Every dollar to SPD is a dollar to organized crime. Evidence shows police officers celebrating after killing Black people in LA. I am a strong believer in abolishing SPD, and all body cam footage being available to the public now, NOT in February. A new chief from outside the city is needed. Act swiftly or more protesters will be killed or maimed. Pick your side of morality.
Black Lives Matter. Thank you.