Today I woke up and gave a single person almost everything they wanted. I couldn’t give them it all. We all have limits. I gave them the gift of a credit card. I maxed out my credit for them. They are a 59 and a half year old weathered Black live. What does it cost to save another live from dying in the cold at night? $83. The price of a Mr. Buddy Heater and one $4 propane canister.
How much does it cost to save a life and give them a fresh start? Depends. Depends on how much debt they have to an unjust society.
But it is about ten grand. Ten missley grand. I know cars that cost four frozen senior homeless bodies.
What have I been doing the last few days? Well today I made a scene buying all the propane. One heater after another. Buying them everything they need. In one little district.
Is this what it feels to be alive? The traumatic reenactment lives here, but I would do this for the rest of my years. I know of so many more than just my friend. He shall overcome, if I help him with them bootstraps and strengthen ‘em fully. He’ll be better for it. He’ll be better company. Better than I’ve ever known. And, he’ll be known.